Most businesses today are looking to either kickstart or speed up their AI journey. But it's hard to lead that change if you're not fully informed. Whether starting at a standstill or just getting the ball rolling, we can help your team get to full speed.
We hate do descend into business-speak, but at the end of the day, accelerating AI adoption is all about change management. The question we asked ourselves is, "how can we cut through the bullshit and make this change happen quickly?" Here's the current state of our ever evolving program:
AI is new and everyone has questions. The hype surrounding AI has also created a lot of apprehension and misinformation which leads to skepticism and slows adoption. Leaders, while generally excited about the potential, might be under-informed or have their expectations in the wrong place as far as what's possible and when. So the first thing we do is level set everyone on the state of AI. We dispel fears, right-size expectations, and align the team on the why behind the what. This is the foundation a team needs to be engaged and ultimately successful.
The best way to understand AI's potential is to actually get your hands dirty and use it to create value for your own personal use cases. There are a handful of simple use cases that everyone can use, but the real eye-opening value comes from finding areas of your own specific workflow that can be enhanced or even eliminated by using AI-powered automation.
In our experience, personal use cases tend to increase output quality more than they increase productivity. To make a company significantly more efficient, you need to find cross-functional use cases. These are the places where expertise from different departments is encapsulated in an AI to smooth out previously sticky workflows. Its a bigger lift, but it offers a significantly bigger reward.
There's nothing magical about our approach. We know AI, you know your business. When we come together we can quickly demystify this rapidly evolving technology and immediately identify and evaluate valuable use cases and workflows.
To get up to speed, we interview select people from your team. This helps us understand your business and the team's current knowledge level better. It also let's us get to know each other a bit before we dive into an intense working session.
Workshops are the electricity that can kickstart innovation. Creating a forum for cross-functional teams to align, share ideas, identify value areas, and learn from one another is in itself an accelerant. It's also a signal to the company that leadership is aligned, motivated, and moving forward with AI.
Not all use cases, especially the organizational ones, can be built instantly. Roadmaps help the team align and contribute to larger projects. Our value lies in shaping realistic expectations and time-frames for these efforts.
Depending on the depth and breadth you seek, individual elements or a combination can be completed in a day, a week, or a month.
What we love most about acceleration projects is when the CEO gets a list of potential use cases (created by their own team) that show the potential for a faster, better, and more efficient team. The expertise, creativity, and energy are there—they just need to be tapped and distilled.
This isn't an empty promise. Ask us for references.
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