AI Strategy

AI is already changing the world. Whether you plan to integrate it into your business or not, you will still need a solid strategy to address the challenges and opportunities you will likely face in the coming months and years.

Our Approach

There’s an old adage: If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Let us be the first to say it’s not a given that you need to integrate AI into your core business processes. At the same time, overlooking what AI offers could be a giant missed opportunity. The hard part is deciding what to do. Very simply, our approach is designed to quickly identify your highest ROI projects—the ones that will deliver transformational value.

Here’s how a typical strategy project goes down...

just enough discovery

We can’t help much if we don’t understand your business. But you probably don’t want to pay us gobs of money just to get us to the starting line. So, we perform rapid research, using AI to facilitate and synthesize our findings. Basically, we talk to a bunch of people, learn how the business really works, and iteratively drill down to identify use cases with the highest potential.

You don't need another chatbot. The main question we're trying to answer is: where are the high value areas of the business where AI can deliver a 10x or more impact?

actual strategy

Most strategy isn’t really strategy—it’s just wishful goals or hopeful plans. Our recommendations follow a rigorous strategic framework that helps your team understand the why, what, and how of the initiative. This helps improve alignment, buy-in, and velocity. It also allows us to propose hypotheses based on your company’s larger strategy and goals, rooted in metrics that matter to the business.

Don't get us started on our strategy rant. Just read this book, love it, and we'll all be great friends.

Solve Hard Problems

In many cases the ultimate question comes down to build versus buy.

Build vs Buy

Should you build a custom solution, often at relatively high expense, or use an off-the-shelf tool that someone has already created. It’s not always easy to determine which choice is right for you. When it’s a close call, we recommend the try-buy-build approach.


First, you try a product already in the market without committing to a long-term contract. If it has potential, you buy and use it, testing its efficacy in real-world scenarios. Eventually, you may find that an off-the-shelf product has limitations or can’t be configured to match your workflow. This is common right now in the infancy of AI tech.

When this happens, you need to thoroughly evaluate whether building custom AI solutions is worth the cost. In some cases, the scope is small, but the decision is easy. In other cases, the most impactful ones, the scope may be large and the outcomes may be transformational. Projects like these could significantly change your workflow, workforce, and pricing strategies.

what you get

In the end, we deliver confidence. Confidence that you are moving down a fruitful, justified, and measurable path. Your confidence will be based on a solid strategy that, in turn, informs a measurable plan. We don’t do this alone or at a distance—you are a core participant in the process because, well, you have to be.

If you feel confident that you're following the right path right now, then we probably won't deliver much addition value to you.

Operators are standing by

We're perfectly happy having no-strings-attached chats about where your business is at and where it could go with AI. If that sounds like fun to you, give us your deets and we'll reach out shortly to schedule a 15 minute meeting.

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deep thoughts

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